Law and Governance of a Global City: 17th-Century Amsterdam
On 28 and 29 October 2021 Janne Nijman (Asser Institute), Dave De ruysscher (Tilburg University) and Bram Vanhofstraeten (Maastricht University) organize a two-day workshop on 17th-century Amsterdam. The idea behind the workshop is to bring scholars of different disciplines together, in order to reflect on the globalized and globalizing characteristics of law, governance and economic practice in Golden-Age Amsterdam.
If you wish to attend, please send an email to
The program is as follows:
Thursday 28 October 2021
(location UvA (University of Amsterdam) REC 3.15)
13.15 Welcome and Introduction
Public Keynote Lecture
13.30 – 14.45 Keynote address by Oscar Gelderblom, followed by Q&A
14.45 Break
15.00 – 16.45 Session III. City of Innovative governance and law
Chair: Maarten Prak (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
René Koekkoek (Universiteit Utrecht) Historical injustice and reparations in the Dutch Golden Age.
Maurits Den Hollander, The Moral Dimension of Insolvency in 17th century Amsterdam.
Arjan de Koomen and Janne Nijman (University of Amsterdam) Local government and universal laws- Interpreting the iconography of the Amsterdam town hall.
Friday 29 October 2021
9.00 Session I. City of immigration and diversity
Chair: Geert Janssen (UvA)
Marc de Wilde (UvA), Regulating Diversity in 17th Century Amsterdam: The 1616 Regulations Regarding the Jewish Population.
Bart Wallet (VU, UvA), A Nation Apart. Legal Status and Internal Dynamics of Amsterdam Ashkenazim.
Julia van der Krieke (Asser Instituut), Early Modern Amsterdam Law with regards to Jewish citizens, Theory and Practice.
10.15 Break
10.30 Session II. City of commerce and trade
Session II.a.
Chair: Bram van Hofstraeten (Maastricht University)
Vincent van Hoof (Radboud Universiteit), Credit and legal innovation.
Talya Ucaryilmaz (Bilkent and Oxford), 17th Century Amsterdam and the Implications of Bona Fides: The Role of Roman Private Law in the Creation of a Global Trade Capital.
Manon Moerman (Maastricht University), Limited partnerships in Amsterdam during the early modern period: a study of their composition and purposes based on notarial private partnership contracts (1601-1791).
12.15 Lunch break
13.15 Session II.b.
Chair: Dave Deruysscher (Tilburg University)
Johannes W. Flume (Freie Universität, Berlin), Innovating Market Exchange: The Amsterdam Stock Exchange as a Blueprint for Modern Derivative Markets.
Mark Ponte (Amsterdam), Debora Nassy and David Solis, `Jewish mulattos‘ in Amsterdam.
Daniel Strum (USP, Brazil), Legal enforcement as a supplementary institution in the governance of trade: litigation involving Sephardic and Converso traders in sixteenth and seventeenth century Amsterdam, Porto and Brazil.
15.15 End