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Paper presentations

De ruysscher, D., “ERC Starting Grant CLLS: Analysing Coherence in Law Through Legal Scholarship, Amsterdam (17th Century)”, expert meeting Law in Amsterdam and the Dutch Republic (17th Century), Tilburg University, 11 May 2017.


De ruysscher, D., “Financial Instruments at the Antwerp Bourse (16th Century): General Collateral”, workshop History of the workless economy, Florence, 8 June 2017.


De ruysscher, D., “Reception of French commercial law literature in the Low Countries”, Historiography of commercial law, past, present & future, Helsinki, 26 September 2017.


De ruysscher, D., "Lex Mercatoria Traditions", i-Hilt lecture, Tilburg University, 6 March 2018.


De ruysscher, D., “The Many Shades of Pre-Insolvency Proceedings in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, 1807-c. 1910”, PER-Department Erelunch 5 April 2018.


Kotlyar, I., "Public auctions and collectivization of execution proceedings in Holland, 1550-1700", meeting workgroup Law in Amsterdam and the Dutch Republic (17th Century), Maastricht University, 16 May 2018.


Kotlyar, I., "Bankruptcy and the “Praetorian Pledge”: the Law of the Books and the Law in Action in the Early Modern Netherlands", International Forum of Young Legal Historians, Warsaw, 14-17 June 2018.


De ruysscher, D., "Security Interests and Consistency in Commercial Law: the Example of Roman-Dutch Scholarship (17th c.)", Jour fixe Max-Planck Institut for europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 10 September 2018.


De ruysscher, D. and De Reu, P., "Averting Bankruptcy in Belgium 1884-1914. Who Made Use of Pre-Insolvency Compositions?", workshop "Mercantile and Corporate Insolvency and Pre-Insolvency in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Law and Economy", Tilburg, 7 December 2018.


De ruysscher, D. and M. In't Veld, "The Bankruptcy of Rembrandt: the Artist as Legal Actor", workshop Law and Amsterdam in the Dutch Republic, The Hague, 10 April 2019. 


Mooi, R. and den Hollander, M., "A Late Seventeenth-Century International Bankruptcy: the Case of Gasparo Schellekens", workshop Law and Amsterdam in the Dutch Republic, The Hague, 10 April 2019.


De ruysscher, D., “ERC Starting Grant: Collateral Rights in Early Modern Europe”, Annual Meeting of the Young Academy of Europe, Barcelona, 23 October 2019.


den Hollander, M., 'Insolvency and economic misfortune in 17th century Amsterdam', i-Hilt-lecture Tilburg University 27 February 2020.


den Hollander, M., 'Insolvents’ identities: Economic failure and social policy in late 17th century Amsterdam', European Social Science History Conference, 26 March 2021.


den Hollander, M., 'Cessie van Goede and the Desolate Boedelskamer in 17th-century Amsterdam', Younger Academics Network of Insolvency Law13 October 2021.


den Hollander, M., 'Uitstel van executie. Juridische strategieën van Amsterdamse insolventen in de 17e eeuw', Belgian-Dutch Legal History Conference (online), 17 December 2021.


De ruysscher, D., “The Code de commerce (1807): shedding light on the crafting of commercial law in early nineteenth-century France”, online lecture VUB-CORE, 29 April 2022.


M. den Hollander, “From Expertise to Experience? The Legal Treatment of Insolvency in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam”, AveTransRisk Workshop Pisa, 5 November 2022


M. den Hollander, “Debt and Insolvency in Early Modern Amsterdam: Religious Influences on the Desolate Boedelskamer?”, conference Debt or Sin? The Moral Roots of European Legal and Economic Thought, Louvain-la-Neuve, 28 October 2022



De ruysscher, D., "Bankruptcy and Insolvency in History, Law, and Theory", PhD Training Seminars, Ecole doctorale des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et de Gestion, Université de Lille-II, 5-7 June 2018.


Seminar 1: Paradigms and Trends in Bankruptcy Theory and History, 5 June 2018.


Seminar 2: Insolvency, Restructuring, and Fresh Start: Comparative Legal History, 6 June 2018.


Seminar 3: Legal Reforms: Insolvency Law Today and Tomorrow, 7 June 2018. 



"Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Proceedings: Legal Borrowing, National Tradition and Globalization (Nineteenth-Twentieth Centuries)", World Economic History Congress, Boston, 29 July-3 August 2018.


"The Identity of Amsterdam and its Mercantile Citizens", XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, Brussels, 5 June 2019.


"Damaged Identity: Bankruptcy and Reputation", XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, Brussels, 7 June 2019. 


"History of Insolvency", Belgian-Dutch Legal History Conference, Liège, 14 and 15 June 2019.


"Law as Resource. Commerce and legal change in the early modern city", World Economic History Congress, Paris  25-29 July 2022.


"Mercantile and Corporate Bankruptcy and Pre-Insolvency in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Law and Economy", Tilburg University, 7 December 2018.


"Commerce, Identity, and Citizenship in Legal History", Brussels, 7-8 November 2019


"Law and Governance of a Global City: 17th-c. Amsterdam", Amsterdam, 28-29 October 2021.



PhD defenses

M. den Hollander, Stay of Execution. Institutions and Insolvency Legislation in Amsterdam (1578-1700), cum laude, public defence 22 June 2021 (Tilburg University)


R. Mooi, Without Regard to Foreignness. The Emergence of Equal Treatment in Early Modern German Insolvency, 1648-1806, cum laude, public defence 25 January 2023 (Tilburg University)


M. Lupi, Insolvent merchants and royal jurisdictions in Early Modern Lyon (1600-1660): the role of royal notaries and the Conservation des privilèges royaux des foires, 29 November 2023 (Tilburg University) 

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