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  • De ruysscher, D. en M. In’t Veld, “De handelsgewoonte in het Belgisch en Nederlands economisch privaatrecht”, Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht 2017, 417-454.




  • De ruysscher, D., “Bescheiden toezichter of bemiddelaar? De rol van de rechter in reorganisatie en faillissement vanuit rechtshistorisch perspectief”, Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht 2018, 147-218.


  • De ruysscher, D., “Legal Culture, Path Dependence and Dysfunctional Layering in Belgian Corporate Insolvency Law”, International Insolvency Review 27 (2018/3), 374-397.




  • De ruysscher, D., "Security Interests, Insolvency and the Ranking of Debts in Early Modern Continental Europe: Transnational Trends in Legal Change", Rechtskultur: Zeitschrift for europäische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2018) 1-10.


  • De ruysscher, D. and M. In’t Veld, “Der dogmatische Handelsbrauch in den  Niederlanden und Belgien (19.-21. Jahrhundert)”, Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte 40 (2018), 177-205. 


  • De ruysscher, D. and Kotlyar, I., “Local Traditions v. Academic Views: Collateral Rights over Movables in Holland (15th-17th Centuries)”, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 86 (2018), 365-403.




  • De ruysscher, D., “Ius Commune Legal Scholarship and Coherence: the Author’s Structure”, Historia et Ius 15 (2019), paper no 7,


  • De ruysscher, D., "De zakelijke rechten van de onbetaalde verkoper, rechtshistorisch bekeken", Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht 2019/3, 404-420.



  • Mooi, R. and den Hollander, M., "Protecting the Foreign Creditor. International Insolvency in Early Modern Amsterdam and Frankfurt", TSEG/Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 16/3 (2019), 37-57.





  • De ruysscher, D., "Why We Need A History of Collateral Rights: the Example of Antwerp (15th-16th Centuries)" in L. Brunori, S. Dauchy and X. Prévost (eds.), in L. Brunori, S. Dauchy, O. Descamps and X. Prévost (eds.), Le droit face à l'économie sans travail. Finance, investissement et spéculation de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Tome II: L'approche internationale, Paris, Classiques Garnier (Histoire du droit), 2020, 297-308. â€‹




  • De ruysscher, D. “Customs and municipal law: the symbolic authority of the past (Low Countries, 16th-17th century)”, Dutch Crossing: a Journal of Low Countries Studies, published online







  • den Hollander, M., Stay of Execution. Institutions and Insolvency Legislation in Amsterdam (1578-1700), PhD dissertation Tilburg University, 2021.



  • den Hollander, M., 'Instituties en insolventierecht in Amsterdam tussen 1578 en 1700', Nederlands Juristenblad 96/25 (2021) 2001.





  • Mooi, R., 'Without regard of foreignness. The reciprocal equal treatment of foreign creditors in the early modern German territories', in D. De ruysscher, A. Cordes, S. Dauchy, S. Gialdroni and H. Pihlajamäki (eds.) Commerce, Citizenship, and Identity in Legal History, Brill, Leiden, 2021, 26-49.





  • De ruysscher, D. and M. In't Veld, 'Rembrandts Insolvency: a Reply', Oud Holland 135 (2022) 48-54.


  • den Hoillander, M., 'Failliet in de Republiek: Lokale ordonnanties over de omgang met desolate boedels, circa 1643-1713', Pro Memorie: Bijdragen tot de rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden 24 (2022), 190-217.


  • den Hollander, M., 'Failliet... wat nu? Schuldsanering in de 'Gouden Eeuw'', Geschiedenis Magazine 57 (2022), 55-58.




  • De ruysscher, D., 'The PVBA/SPRL in Belgium', in M. Löhnig and A. Moszynska (eds.), Reception of the Limited Liability Company (GmbH), Cologne, Böhlau, 2023, 163-174.


  • den Hollander, M., "Grotius and insolvency", Grotiana 44 (2023), 276-292.


  • Mooi, R., Without regard to foreigness: The emergence of equal treatment in early modern German insolvency, 1648-1806, PhD dissertation Tilburg University.


  • Lupi, M., Insolvent merchants and royal jurisdictions in Early Modern Lyon (1600-1660): the role of royal notaries and theConservation des privilèges royaux des foires, PhD dissertation Tilburg University








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